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Cambridge-Greenwich Police Department

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Combating Human Trafficking: Tips For People Who Want To Help

Human trafficking is a modern form of slavery that often takes place online. It can also occur offline in places like backrooms, bars, and nightclubs where people are forced to do jobs like bartending or working as prostitutes. The practice of trafficking humans for the purposes of labor or sex is referred to as modern-day slavery. Trafficking someone for the purpose of sexual exploitation is called sex trafficking. In either case, the victim is hidden from view and forced to work without pay. If you think you may be involved in human trafficking, there are things you can do to help catch those who would traffic others for profit or pleasure.

Know the Signs of Human Trafficking

The first step in combating human trafficking is to know the signs. Being aware of the signs of human trafficking can help you identify potential victims and put a stop to the practice.

One of the most common signs of human trafficking is a person who appears to be under the control of another person. They may not be able to speak for themselves, or they may be afraid to do so. They may also have signs of physical abuse, such as bruises or other injuries.

Another sign of human trafficking is a person who is forced to work long hours without breaks or rest. They may be working in unsafe conditions, and they may not be paid for their work. They may also be required to live in cramped or unsanitary conditions, without access to basic necessities like food, water, or medical care.

Lastly, a person who is being trafficked may be isolated from their friends and family. They may not be allowed to have contact with anyone outside of their trafficker, and they may be kept in a state of fear or intimidation.

Don't Buy into the Myths

One of the biggest myths about human trafficking is that it only happens in other countries. In reality, human trafficking occurs in every country in the world, including the United States. Another myth is that human trafficking only affects women and children. While women and children are often the victims of trafficking, men can also be trafficked for labor or sexual purposes.

Its also important to dispel the myth that people who are trafficked are always brought into the situation against their will. While this is sometimes the case, many victims of human trafficking are lured into the situation with false promises of a better life or job opportunities. Once they are in the situation, they may be threatened or coerced into continuing their work.

Stay Educated on the Issue

Human trafficking is a complex issue, and its important to stay educated on the latest developments and trends.

There are many organizations and resources available to help you learn more about human trafficking and how to combat it.

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime has a global program on trafficking in persons, which provides information and resources on the topic. There are also many non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that work to combat human trafficking, such as the Polaris Project and the International Justice Mission.

In addition to these resources, its important to stay informed about the laws and policies related to human trafficking in your country. Educate yourself on the signs of trafficking and the best practices for reporting it to the authorities.

Always Help a Victim of Trafficking

If you suspect that someone is a victim of human trafficking, its important to take action. The first step is to report your suspicions to the authorities.

This can be done by calling the National Human Trafficking Hotline at 1-888-373-7888.

Its important to remember that victims of human trafficking are often afraid to come forward, so its important to approach the situation with sensitivity and compassion. If you are able to establish a relationship with the victim, you can help them connect with resources that can assist them in getting out of the situation.

You can also support organizations that work to combat human trafficking by donating your time, money, or resources. Many organizations rely on volunteers to help with outreach and education efforts, and donations can help provide resources and support to victims of trafficking.


Human trafficking is a serious issue that affects millions of people around the world. By knowing the signs of trafficking, dispelling myths, staying educated on the issue, and helping victims, we can all play a role in combatting this heinous practice.


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